Since 2020, we have helped enhance our community one property at a time.

About Us

Our journey began several years ago with just a push mower and an electric weed eater we found in the garage. Through dedication, hard work, and a love for entrepreneurship, we have steadily grown our humble beginnings into the thriving business you see today. Every day, we've learned, improved, and honed our skills to bring you the highest quality lawn and landscaping services. 

We have pushed through every challenge and too many 100° days because we genuinely enjoy tending to and learning about what it takes to expand a business. Each day presented an opportunity to expand our knowledge, refine our skills, and witness the transformative power of our work. There's something truly rewarding about witnessing the growth of not only our business but also the properties we have the privilege of managing and cleaning up.

By choosing us, you not only receive the highest quality landscaping services, but you also support our ongoing journey as business owners. Your trust and support in us fuels our dreams and drives us forward and we are grateful for the opportunity to share our passion with you.

From what started as just an idea, growing Kangaroo Outdoor Solutions has taught us invaluable lessons, shaped our character, and instilled in us a profound appreciation for the beauty of hard work. Your trust in our abilities fuels our determination to reach new heights, expanding our horizons and bringing even more beauty to the communities around us. Join us as we continue to shape and transform outdoor spaces, one client at a time.

  • Sam MacKenzie


  • Cameron McClelland
